Universal Data Authorization for Your Data Platform: What is It and Why Now?
With all the advances in DataOps, many data-driven initiatives still fail. Why? Because organizations still struggle to resolve two problems as old as data itself: people can retrieve and use data they should not have access to, and other people cannot access data for legitimate business purposes.
In this session, you’ll learn what Universal Data Authorization is and how adding it to your modern technology stack brings clarity and appropriate control across your entire data platform. You’ll learn why fine-grained access control and de-identification techniques are the new table stakes, and why success at enterprise scale is only achieved through an API-first platform approach with delegated stewardship and full visibility for audit and reporting. Join this session to learn how your company can accelerate business agility, minimize data security risks, and demonstrate regulatory compliance.

Mary Flynn, Senior Director of Product Marketing @ Okera
A rare combination of technical, communication, organizational, and leadership skills. I bridge the gap between product development and customers through clear messaging and technical sales enablement.